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Understanding NEC 240.15: Overcurrent Protection for Ungrounded Conductors

240.15 Ungrounded Conductors

240.15 Ungrounded Conductors

(A) Overcurrent Device Required

A fuse or an overcurrent trip unit of a circuit breaker shall be connected in series with each ungrounded conductor. A combination of a current transformer and overcurrent relay shall be considered equivalent to an overcurrent trip unit.

Note: For motor circuits, see Parts III, IV, V, and XI of Article 430.

(B) Circuit Breaker as Overcurrent Device

Circuit breakers shall open all ungrounded conductors of the circuit both manually and automatically unless otherwise permitted in 240.15(B)(1), (B)(2), and (B)(3).

(1) Multiwire Branch Circuit

Except where limited by 210.4(B), individual single-pole circuit breakers, with or without identified handle ties, shall be permitted as the protection for each ungrounded conductor of multiwire branch circuits that serve only single-phase line-to-neutral loads.

(2) Grounded Single-Phase and 3-Wire DC Circuits

In grounded systems, individual single-pole circuit breakers with identified handle ties shall be permitted as the protection for each ungrounded conductor for line-to-line connected loads for single-phase circuits or 3-wire, direct-current circuits.

(3) 3-Phase and 2-Phase Systems

For line-to-line loads in 4-wire, 3-phase systems or 5-wire, 2-phase systems having a grounded neutral point and no conductor operating at a voltage greater than permitted in 210.6, individual single-pole circuit breakers with identified handle ties shall be permitted as the protection for each ungrounded conductor.

(C) Closed-Loop Power Distribution Systems

Listed devices that provide equivalent overcurrent protection in closed-loop power distribution systems shall be permitted as a substitute for fuses or circuit breakers.

Understanding NEC 240.15: Overcurrent Protection for Ungrounded Conductors


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